Welcome to the IBU

The Iowa Brewers Union home brew club is a non-profit organization, fully chartered by the American Homebrewers Association, and devoted to advancing the art and science of home brewing in central Iowa. Our members range in brewing experience from beginning home brewers to pro brewers who own their own breweries, and many are certified Beer Judge Certification Program judges that have evaluated beers throughout the Midwest. We welcome anyone that shares our passion for making great-tasting beer. We meet the third Monday of every month starting at 7:00 PM. If interested in joining, you can do this from the Join navigation option above.

IBU Executive Branch

President โ€“ Randy Daniels
Vice President โ€“ Taylor Norland
Secretary โ€“ Nicholas Wilkening
Treasurer โ€“ Aaron Reif
Events Coordinator โ€“ KC McKinney
Information Technology โ€“ Victor Svecs